Mercedes-Benz V – 56804

Vehicle details

First registration 11.2021
Mileage 14.750
Construction Integrated
Exterior color Blue
Hubram 1950
Environmental badge Green environmental badge
Purchase price € 81.300 inkl. 19% MwSt.

Mercedes-Benz V – 56804

220d Marco Polo sunroof LED Easy-Pack

1.147,- / mtl.

€ {{ numberWithCommas_new(monthlyCost()) }} / mtl.

incl. 19% VAT ({{ number_format( (monthlyCost() / 1.19 ), 2 ) }} € netto mtl.)
  • Without down payment
  • Directly available
  • In 2 mins. requested online!
Mileage per year 18 24 30 36 42 48
10,000 km {{ tableVal( 18, 10 ) }} {{ tableVal( 24, 10 ) }} {{ tableVal( 30, 10 ) }} {{ tableVal( 36, 10 ) }} {{ tableVal( 42, 10 ) }} {{ tableVal( 48, 10 ) }}
15,000 km {{ tableVal( 18, 15 ) }} {{ tableVal( 24, 15 ) }} {{ tableVal( 30, 15 ) }} {{ tableVal( 36, 15 ) }} {{ tableVal( 42, 15 ) }} {{ tableVal( 48, 15 ) }}
20,000 km {{ tableVal( 18, 20 ) }} {{ tableVal( 24, 20 ) }} {{ tableVal( 30, 20 ) }} {{ tableVal( 36, 20 ) }} {{ tableVal( 42, 20 ) }} {{ tableVal( 48, 20 ) }}
25,000 km {{ tableVal( 18, 25 ) }} {{ tableVal( 24, 25 ) }} {{ tableVal( 30, 25 ) }} {{ tableVal( 36, 25 ) }} {{ tableVal( 42, 25 ) }} {{ tableVal( 48, 25 ) }}
30,000 km {{ tableVal( 18, 30 ) }} {{ tableVal( 24, 30 ) }} {{ tableVal( 30, 30 ) }} {{ tableVal( 36, 30 ) }} {{ tableVal( 42, 30 ) }} {{ tableVal( 48, 30 ) }}
35,000 km {{ tableVal( 18, 35 ) }} {{ tableVal( 24, 35 ) }} {{ tableVal( 30, 35 ) }} {{ tableVal( 36, 35 ) }} {{ tableVal( 42, 35 ) }} {{ tableVal( 48, 35 ) }}
40,000 km {{ tableVal( 18, 40 ) }} {{ tableVal( 24, 40 ) }} {{ tableVal( 30, 40 ) }} {{ tableVal( 36, 40 ) }} {{ tableVal( 42, 40 ) }} {{ tableVal( 48, 40 ) }}

Further information on this vehicle

Where else can you experience so much new style and comfort in one stay? The Mercedes-Benz V 220d Marco Polo sunroof LED Easy-Pack is just the thing for you! First registered in November 2021, this impressive vehicle is painted in a blue finish. Equipped with a modern 9G-Tronic transmission, LED lighting, integrated sunroof electronics and 4 seats and doors, you will feel right at home. And to increase your comfort even further, the Mercedes-Benz V 220d Marco Polo sunroof LED Easy-Pack is equipped with the excellent diesel engine. Embark on your new adventure now!

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